Hebrews 11:1-4
The Hall of Faith — Cain & Abel 

In this first part we will begin studying Hebrews 11 and analyze the account of Cain and Abel. We will discover that obedience to God from a sincere heart is a part of the message of righteousness by faith.

1. What is faith according to the scriptures? Hebrews 11:1

2. How does faith come to the believer? Romans 10:17

3. What is the first great thing that we understand by faith? Hebrews 11:3; Psalm 33:6-9; Isaiah 45:12; 48:13

4. Read Hebrews 11:4. How does the Bible describe the sacrifice that Abel offered unto God? 

Note: Cain and Abel represent two classes of individuals that will be alive until the close of time. See the following quotation.

Patriarchs and Prophets, 72: Cain and Abel represent two classes that will exist in the world till the close of time. One class avail themselves of the appointed sacrifice for sin; the other venture to depend upon their own merits; theirs is a sacrifice without the virtue of divine mediation, and thus it is not able to bring man into favor with God. {PP 72.5} 

5. What did Abel offer to God? Genesis 4:2, 4; Leviticus 4:35 

6. What is fat a symbol of in the Bible? Psalm 37:20; Deuteronomy 32:15-17

7. What is sin? 1 John 3:4

Note: Abel’s worship consisted of cutting out the fat, a symbol of sin, from his life and being obedient to God’s law.

8. What was the Lord’s response to Abel’s offering of the lamb and the fat? Genesis 4:3, 4

9. What did the Lord do once His people brought the right offering/sacrifice with the fat? Leviticus 9:24; 2 Chronicles 7:1

Note: Based on the previous scriptures, we understand that when Abel brought his offering, the Lord sent fire down from heaven as a sign of His acceptance of Abel’s worship and obedience.

10. How did the Lord respond to Cain’s offering? Genesis 4:5

11. What offering did Cain bring which he expected God to accept? Genesis 4:3

12. What was the fruit-offering a symbol of? Leviticus 19:24; Hebrews 13:15

13. What lesson about forgiveness of sin are we taught in Hebrews 9:22?

Patriarchs and Prophets, 71: …Without the shedding of blood there could be no remission of sin; and they were to show their faith in the blood of Christ as the promised atonement by offering the firstlings of the flock in sacrifice. Besides this, the first fruits of the earth were to be presented before the Lord as a thank offering. {PP 71.2} 

Note: Many people attend church just to thank and praise God but not to surrender their sins to Him. Additionally, many ministers tailor their church services around praising God, while omitting the messages that rebuke sin and instruct the people about God’s law and standards. Since Cain did not offer to God an animal-sacrifice with the fat, it means that Cain went to worship without confessing and surrendering his sins. He thought that he should be accepted just because he came to thank God. This is the foundation of every false Christian revival and experience.

14. Read Hebrews 11:4. How was Abel declared by God after offering the sacrificial lamb?

15. The account of the Pharisee and the Publican in Luke 18 represents the same classes of Christians as Cain and Abel. Like Cain, what did the Pharisee say when he came before God? Luke 18:10-11

a)  What did the Pharisee believe would merit him salvation? Luke 18:12; James 2:17, 18     

b)  What did the Pharisee fail to realize? Mark 10:18; Isaiah 64:6

16. Like Abel, what was the Publican’s attitude, and what did he say when he came before God? Luke 18:13

17. How does the Bible say the Publican returned to his house? Luke 18:14

Note: To be justified means to be forgiven, declared free of sin, and declared righteous by God (Job 4:17; Ecclesiastes 7:20;
Romans 3:22-24). Let us briefly look at the message of justification by faith and righteousness by faith.

18. What is the first question asked in Job 25:4?

19. What does it mean to be justified according to the second question in Job 25:4? 

When we acknowledge that we are sinners and confess our sins to Jesus, what will He cleanse us from, and how will Jesus view us after being cleansed? 1 John 1:9

20. What justifies us or makes us righteous before God? Romans 3:28

21. Since we are justified and made righteous by faith, does this mean that obeying God’s law and doing good works are no longer necessary? Romans 3:31; James 2:17, 20, 22

Note: Here are presented the two extremes which we as Bible believing Christians need to avoid: #1) believing that merely performing good works and keeping Bible reforms will save us and #2) the other extreme of believing that the act of confessing our sins to God without a reformation in our actions will save us. While our works do not save us, we cannot be saved without them. Faith and works must be blended. These lessons are clearly seen in the lives of Cain and Abel.

22. What other important lesson is being taught in the life of Cain which also is seen in the life of King Saul? 1 Samuel 15:22

Note: The underlying reason why Cain’s offering was rejected by God was because he was disobedient. Abel’s offering was accepted by God because he obeyed God’s command. Obedience to God’s Word because we love Him, regardless of the consequences that come upon us as a result, is the key of success in this Christian journey to heaven. 

23. Like Cain, what will people do in these last days who continue to remain disobedient to God’s Word? What will they receive as a sign of their disobedience? Genesis 4:8, 15; Revelation 13:15-17

24. Read Hebrews 11:4 again. The last phrase says, “he [Abel] being dead yet speaketh.” While some of us will die for our faith in these last days, what assurance do we have that our holy influence will live on and will continue to testify of God? 

Answer: The messages of truth shared by past Protestant Reformers and them dying for their faith was like seed to spread the gospel further.

The Great Controversy, 240: The work of these missionaries [Waldenses] began in the plains and valleys at the foot of their own mountains, but it extended far beyond these limits. With naked feet and in garments coarse and travel-stained as were those of their Master, they passed through great cities and penetrated to distant lands. Everywhere they scattered the precious seed. Churches sprang up in their path, and the blood of martyrs witnessed for the truth. The day of God will reveal a rich harvest of souls garnered by the labors of these faithful men. Veiled and silent, the word of God was making its way through Christendom and meeting a glad reception in the homes and hearts of men.” {GC 71.2} 

The Great Controversy, 240: As in the days when paganism sought to destroy the gospel, the blood of the Christians was seed.” {GC 240.3} 

25. For those who remain faithful to God until death or the Second Coming, what will God write in His book of remembrance? Malachi 3:16; Nehemiah 13:14