The Dragon part 1

The Dragon, part 1

Let us first read Revelation 16:13,14

1. What does John see? Revelation 16:13 

Answer: Three unclean spirits.

These three unclean spirits make up and comprise Babylon.

2. What says Revelation 18:2?

3. How many parts is Babylon divided into? Revelation 16:19 

Answer: Three parts.

4. What are the unclean spirits working? Revelation 16:14 

Answer: Miracles.

5. Where is the first place we find frogs in connection with miracles? Exodus 8:1-7 

Answer: In Egypt.

Note: In order to understand what is taking place today we have to go back to see what occurred in the past. See Ecclesiastes 1:9; Isaiah 46:10

6. What was the context of Exodus 8? 

Answer: God’s people being delivered.

7a. What were God’s people being delivered from? 

Answer: Spiritual and physical bondage.

7b. To what end were the magicians working miracles? 

Answer: To keep the people in darkness and bondage.

Note: Exodus 8:1-7 would typify God’s people being delivered from sin to righteousness,  from Egypt to Canaan. Likewise, Revelation 16:13,14 would point to God delivering His people and bringing them from earth to heaven.

8. What other event was connected with God’s people being delivered from Egypt? Exodus 8:2-7 

Answer: From the plagues.

9. What event in these last days is connected to the plagues? Revelation 14:9,10; Revelation 16:1,2 

Answer: The Mark of the Beast.

10a. What 3 fold message is to go forth to call people out of darkness and bondage? Revelation 14:6-12 

Answer: The Three Angels’ Messages.

10b. Just as the magicians attempted to counteract the work of Moses and Aaron, which message will the three unclean spirits attempt to counteract?

11. What were the two names of the preachers that God did send down to Egypt? 

Answer: Moses and Aaron.

Note: As God sent Moses and Aaron to call people out from Egypt and sin to true worship, so Revelation 18:4 calls people to come out of Babylon to true worship.

12a. To whom are the three unclean spirits going and what is their purpose? Revelation 16:13,14 

Answer: Kings, to gather them for battle 

12b. Where do kings reign? 

Answer: King reign in kingdoms

13. Since this is a counterfeit, what is God sending to the kings and nations to gather them under Himself? Matt 24:14; Rev 14:6; Rev 10:11 

14a. Read Revelation 16:13

14b. Who is the dragon in the primary sense? 

Answer: Satan.

15. What was one of the primary reasons for which Satan, the dragon, was expelled from heaven? Isaiah 14:12-14

16. What day did God set aside for worship? Exodus 20:8-11 

Answer: The Sabbath, which shows us that God is the Creator.

17. Who is likened unto the dragon, in the secondary sense? Revelation 12:4,5 and Matthew 2:3,7,13 

Answer: Pagan Rome.

18. What is one of the characteristics of the dragon? Revelation 12:17

19. What was one of the reasons for which Herod sought to kill Jesus at His birth? Matthew 2:1-3

Note: Just as Herod tried to kill Jesus so that Christ would not receive worship from the wisemen, so in these last days the dragon will persecute the saints of God.

20. Which one of the commandments deal with worship? 

Answer: The 4th commandment.

Note: The dragon is a symbol of Satan; he it was that moved upon Herod to put Jesus to death at His birth. Jesus had come to restore true worship and fulfill the plan of salvation. For those reasons, Satan, through Herod, feared Jesus’ presence and mission.

The Great Controversy, 438: The line of prophecy in which these symbols are found begins with Revelation 12, with the dragon that sought to destroy Christ at His birth. The dragon is said to be Satan (Revelation 12:9); he it was that moved upon Herod to put the Savior to death. But the chief agent of Satan in making war upon Christ and His people during the first centuries of the Christian Era was the Roman Empire, in which paganism was the prevailing religion. Thus while the dragon, primarily, represents Satan, it is, in a secondary sense, a symbol of pagan Rome. {GC, 438.2} 

Note: The dragon is also a symbol of the Roman Empire. It was this empire that made war upon Christ and His people during the first centuries of the Christian Era. The religion of the Roman Empire was the worship of false gods, paganism. Hence, the dragon symbolizes paganism. 

21. Beside the fact that the dragon is a symbol of paganism, what other characteristic does the dragon have?  Revelation 12:17

22a. Who and which nation has been likened unto a dragon? Jeremiah 51:34 

Answer: Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.

22b. What were the two things that king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was known for? Daniel 3:5,6,15 

Answer: False worship and enforced worship. 

23. What was the experience of the three Hebrews in order to stand in the crisis? Daniel 3:16

 24. As Pharaoh persecuted God’s people, what did he refuse to do? Exodus 5:4,5; Exodus 31:17

Answer: Allow them to rest.

Note: So, now we know in these last days, the dragon power in the secondary sense will also point to civil powers. Revelation 16:13

Dragon power = Satan, Dragon power = Rome, Dragon power = Herod, Dragon power = Nebuchadnezzar,
Dragon power = Pharaoh 

Note: People in these last days will be possessed with devils and unclean spirits, so we need to look at the life of Christ and see how He dealt with these unclean spirits.

25a. By what did Christ cast out the spirit of an unclean devil? Luke 4:33-36 

Answer: His word.

25b. What else prepared Christ for the conflict with the unclean spirits? Luke 3:21,22 

Answer: Baptism.

The Ministry of Healing, 91: In the synagogue at Capernaum, Jesus was speaking of His mission to set free the slaves of sin. He was interrupted by a shriek of terror. A madman rushed forward from among the people, crying out, “Let us alone; what have we to do with Thee, Thou Jesus of Nazareth? art Thou come to destroy us? I know Thee who Thou art, the Holy One of God”. Mark 1:24. {MH 91.2} 

The Ministry of Healing, 91: Jesus rebuked the demon, saying, “Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not.” Luke 4:35. {MH 91.3} 

The Ministry of Healing, 91: The cause of this man’s affliction also was in his own life. He had been fascinated with the pleasures of sin and had thought
to make life a grand carnival. Intemperance and frivolity perverted the noble attributes of his nature, and Satan took entire control of him. Remorse came too late. When he would have sacrificed wealth and pleasure to regain his lost manhood he had become helpless in the grasp of the evil one. {MH 91.4} 

The Ministry of Healing, 91: In the Savior’s presence he was roused to long for freedom, but the demon resisted the power of Christ. When the man tried to appeal to Jesus for help, the evil spirit put words into his mouth, and he cried out in an agony of fear. The demoniac partially comprehended that he was in the presence of One who could set him free; but when he tried to come within reach of that mighty hand, another’s will held him, another’s words found utterance through him. {MH 91.5} 

The Ministry of Healing, 92: The conflict between the power of Satan and his own desire for freedom was terrible. It seemed that the tortured man must lose his life in the struggle with the foe that had been the ruin of his manhood. But the Savior spoke with authority and set the captive free. The man who had been possessed stood before the wondering people in the freedom of self-possession. {MH 92.1} [Read Luke 9:1, 2 ]

The Ministry of Healing, 92: With glad voice he praised God for deliverance. The eye that had so lately glared with the fire of insanity now beamed with intelligence and overflowed with grateful tears. The people were dumb with amazement. As soon as they recovered speech they exclaimed one to another, “What is this? a new teaching! with authority He commandeth even the unclean spirits, and they obey Him.” Mark 1:27, R.V. {MH 92.2} 

The Ministry of Healing, 92: There are multitudes today as truly under the power of evil spirits as was the demoniac of Capernaum. All who willfully depart from God’s commandments are placing themselves under the control of Satan. Many a man tampers with evil, thinking that he can break away at pleasure; but he is lured on and on, until he finds himself controlled by a will stronger than his own. He cannot escape its mysterious power. Secret sin or master passion may hold him a captive as helpless as was the demoniac of Capernaum. {MH 92.3} 

The Ministry of Healing, 93: Yet his condition is not hopeless. God does not control our minds without our consent; but every man is free to choose what power he will have to rule over him. None have fallen so low, none are so vile, but that they may find deliverance in Christ. The demoniac, in place of prayer, could utter only the words of Satan; yet the heart’s unspoken appeal was heard. No cry from a soul in need, though it fail of utterance in words, will be unheeded. Those who consent to enter into covenant with God are not left to the power of Satan or to the infirmity of their own nature. {MH 93.1} 

The Ministry of Healing, 93: “Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? . . . Thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.” Isaiah 49:24, 25. Marvelous will be the transformation wrought in him who by faith opens the door of the heart to the Savior. {Ministry of Healing, 93.3}